名古屋大学ラブ・ストーリー(2) 二度目の偶然の出会い
Kenji was waiting for a bus at the nearest bus stop. It was near the southentrance. of Nagoya University. Then a girl was approachingthe bus stop, Yagumo-cho.
The girl was Takako Saito. She went toNanzan University. It seemed that shewas teaching a boy at home near the bus stop. I knew itafter a few months, though.
At the bus stop.
“You were in Yokkaiti high school, weren't you?”
“The bus left already?”
Kenji went to the bus stop the next week,at the same time on the same day of the week. He did it some times and he knew it was Tuesday.
Kenji also knew that she had had aboyfriend for 3 years. Takako startedliving alone in an apartment house because she was busy studying. Kenji was disappointed, however he could knowher apartment house was near his lodge.
(1) 高木教育センタ-HP(My school's homepage) http://homepage2.nifty.com/takagi-kyoiku/
(2)フェイス・ブック(Myfacebook page) http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002507170434
(3) 人気の記事はこちらからどうぞ(My old story) http://storys.jp/100002507170434
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