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The long history of taboos and myths of the burakuleft a legacy of social desolation and since the 1980s, more and more young burakuhave started to organize and protest againstalleged social misfortunes, encouraged by political activist groups. Movementswith objectives ranging from liberation to encouraging integration have beentried over the years to put an end to this problem.



  Kenji didn’t know howhis mother checked Takako’s family. However his father was born in Taisho era and it must be a big problemfor them old people.  Was she really Buraku people?  Did she know it?





 If she knew it and gave up marrying me, was that why she had two boyfriends at the same time?  Then what cold words I gave her!




 Probably Kenji will marry a daughter of his boss and work in a foreign country.  He is thinking his future witha guilty conscience.




 Takako must be a very good daughter for her parents who gave them bright future.


 「名古屋大学ラブ・ストーリー(終) 貴子のオナラ」




   Takako was sometimesfunny.  She was the only young girl who broke wind in front of Kenji. 









  Oneday Takako was making supper in her apartment house, where Kenji was.  At that time, Kenji heard some strange sound.

“What was it?”

“Wow. Stinks. Takako! Youmade it.”

“No. You can’t say it.”

 What kind of relationship was it? They were open and frank to each other. They laughed together and fought sometimes.



  Kenji feels he cannot have such a relationship with anybody in the future.  It isimpossible to have such a relationship with the daughter of his boss.  Kenji, who used to be a good and smart boy,escaped from a bad love triangle and wanted peace.



  Itmight be a right decision.  Might be a wrong decision.  What he knew was Takakowas not in this world.  Everything hasgone in the past.  Who remembersTakako?  Only her parents and classmates.



  Was she really in this world?  Takako is smiling in the yearbook.


(1) 高木教育センタ-HP(My school'shome page)  http://homepage2.nifty.com/takagi-kyoiku/
(2)フェイス・ブック(My facebookpage)  http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002507170434

(3) 人気の記事はこちらからどうぞ(My old story)  http://storys.jp/100002507170434




著者のキョウダイ セブンさんにメッセージを送る




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