第百五十章 2016年度
This year is 2016 accordingto Christian calendar. Namely thisnumber is based on the birth of Jesus. The Christian countries are threatened by Islamic states right now. Why?
Japan has been criticized byKorea and China because of what Japanese soldiers did in the World War Ⅱ. But how about America and European countries?
The reason why Nazi has beencriticized is that they lost. Stalinkilled more people than Hitler did. Maokilled much more people than Stalin did. The reason why North African countries are always unstable is thatEuropean countries once colonized there and the borders are to divide people.
African states want to drawnew borders according to a tribe distribution map. But America and European countries criticizethem leaving Russia to invade Ukraine and China to the South China Sea.
What is the difference betweenNazi’s massacre and American atomic bomb, both of which killed many manyinnocent people like babies and old people. The former is evil and the latter is justified. Many people put up a question.
2016 will be the yearwhen people want to know what is right and what is wrong.
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