第百十一章 心の中に平和のとりでを築かなければならない(1)
I was a little bit afraid of my grandmotherbecause whenever I saw her, she was chanting a sutra.
After my father died, wefound a picture of my father who stands with 3 brothers. They were killed in the war. Probably my grandmother was chanting a sutrabecause of the sadness.
I became a father with 3 children and canunderstand the sadness. In this world,we have a lot of things which we can see but cannot see. They say my father fought in China. He didn’t tell me anything about hisexperience and died.
There must be many thingswhich he could not tell to others. Hemust want to be a good father to us. Ialso want to be a good father to my children. I failed in it because we separated.
戦争は人の心の中で生まれるものであるから、人の心の中に平和のとりでを築かなければならない。 (ユネスコ憲章 前文より)
When I was a senior high school student, Iread UNESCO constitution.
Since Wars began in the minds of men. It is in the minds frommen that the defences of Peace must be constructed. (UNESCOCONSTITUTION)
40years have passed since then. I am in ateaching job now. Do I work as I used tohope to do? My answer is negative.
Japanesepoliticians who should make this society better are sons of politicians. They are just like feudal lords. The merit system lives only in the entranceexam system.
Thatis why I am working as a cramming school teacher. It is impossible for me to give muchinfluence on this society and I accept it because we can do nothing alone.
Every single person have todo his or her own work in his or her field. Hireditary system is bad.
著者のキョウダイ セブンさんに人生相談を申込む
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