Chapter 3 Ingenuity from Moderate Inferiority and Poverty Autonomy and self-reliance (1)

前話: Chapter 3 Ingenuity from Moderate Inferiority and Poverty 3.1.1 Body with no physical defect
次話: Chapter 3 Ingenuity from Moderate Inferiority and Poverty Autonomy and self-reliance (2)

Both autonomy and self-reliance are also important when working using our body with no physical defections. As is known, autonomy is to regulate oneself, to regulate one's actions by oneself, and to break away from external control and act according to one's own norms. Self-reliance is to stand on our own without any other assistance or control. We can live a happy life if we can work life-size with autonomy and self-reliance using our body with no physical defects.

Below are some examples of my concrete ideas regarding ​​autonomy.

1) What you want to do What you can do

We should clarify what we can do rather than appealing what we want to do. We should also prioritize elevating ourselves to the state where we can do what we want to. For example, if we want to work for the United Nations, we must clear the conditions for working at the United Nations by yourself.

2) Cooperation with compromise Cooperation with individuality

If your compromise includes power and obedience from external control, it will not lead to a fundamental solution, even if good results are obtained temporarily. It is desirable to create a system in which we can cooperate with respect for individuality and each idea. When promoting a project, it is recommended to start individual small companies and work in loose partnerships, rather than participating as a member of a large company with dissatisfaction.

3) Overtime / service work Self-management / self-polishing after 5

Japan has not been properly evaluated by the world in terms of economic indicators. The current exchange rate has not reflected Japan’s real economic situation. Living levels in Japan have been far from economic indicators. These causes are due to bad Japanese labor practices. They have been from the idea of ​​"waiving employee rights and working overtime for the company" and "serving society as a whole at the expense of the individual." Service labor never produces good results in the long run in the world. It is unlikely that the company will provide a thorough guarantee for individual employees. Therefore, each employee needs to have an attitude of claiming their own rights according to a modest labor relationship in accordance with the labor contract. If employees have time to work as a service labor, they had better look to their own future and engage with people outside the company, volunteer activities, acquire qualifications and so on as self-investment. It is also in the interests of the company and society. As an employee, you must not rely on your company for your retirement job. Employees should complete their self-reliance by the time they retire. There are many companies that don’t want to give their employees the retirement jobs. Both companies and employees must strive for mutual autonomy and self-reliance.

4) Company supremacy Emphasis on social and personal missions

As a defeated country in the World War Second, Japan, seeing the prosperous United States, was united, and companies and employees cooperated with each other in aiming for escaping poverty and a prosperous life after the war. Employees with absolute loyalty to the company under the lifetime employment system did not care much about themselves or the families that supported them. The so-called company supreme principle was dominant until about 1965 (Showa 40). Of course, the good side of the idea must be appreciated. However, the same values ​​and the same method will not last forever. The times are constantly changing. Values, principles, and ways of thinking could not respond to this change, and Japan recorded the last decade of the 20th century as a difficult time in history. No one can stop the global distributive law of labor-intensive work shifts to dexterous countries.

Service labor, which is a product of company supremacy, is a form until the 20th century. From now on in the 21st century, social and personal missions will be more and more important. The 21st century is an era in which individuals, businesses, and communities are required to have autonomy and self-reliance. In short, we need to do our own thing at our own risk. It is clear that this idea is not synonymous with ignoring cooperation with others. Cooperation is indispensable for autonomous and self-reliant individuals to form an autonomous and self-reliant society.

5) Order  →  Gratitude  (Hey, tea  →  Thank you for tea)

After the persons enter large organizations or companies and their positions rise in the organization, it becomes easier for them to overestimate their own strengths beyond their abilities. They sometimes become arrogant. They look down on other small organizations, companies, and subordinates and begin to take it for granted. Some may lose gratitude for the service and response they receive. It's a small thing, but we must not forget to thank the person who brought you a cup of tea. If we forget the first intent when we joined the company or the original intent when we started the business, we will be oversized garbage in society, company and at home.

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著者のKarl Kamamotoさんに人生相談を申込む


Chapter 3 Ingenuity from Moderate Inferiority and Poverty Autonomy and self-reliance (2)

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