中・四国のエコ大作戦 (日刊工業新聞社編、2001年出版) 企業・行政・団体の取り組み 3. 用途拡大とデジタル対応で経営の柱に

前話: 中・四国のエコ大作戦 (日刊工業新聞社編、2001年出版) 企業・行政・団体の取り組み 2. PRと受注はインターネットが主力
著者: Karl Kamamoto

20013月には東京郵政局に10 5台の大量納入もする。試験採用していた東京郵政局が効果を確認、本格導入を決めた。管内の105の郵便局に1台ずつ設置、ファクスの節電に利用する。総務省に節電虫を納入した商社が採用を働きかけ、まとまった受注につがった。 これまでに東京、福岡、神戸、福山に代理店も開設した。将来は10ヶ所に増やし、販路の開拓に努める。すでに節電虫は売上高の約半分を占め、新たな経営の柱に育った。


In March 2001, the company will deliver a large number of 105 units to the Tokyo Post Office. The Tokyo Post Office, which had adopted the system on a trial basis, confirmed its effectiveness and decided to introduce it on a full-scale basis. One unit will be installed at each of the 105 post offices in its jurisdiction, and will be used to save electricity for faxing. A trading company that had delivered Setsuden-mushi to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications lobbied for the adoption of the system, which led to a large order. So far, distributors have been established in Tokyo, Fukuoka, Kobe, and Fukuyama. In the future, the company plans to increase the number of distributors to 10, in an effort to develop new sales channels. Setsuden-mushi has already accounted for about half of the company's sales and have grown to become a new pillar of management.

President Kamamoto has high hopes for the company, saying, "We hope to sell more than 100 units a month and contribute to energy conservation and environmental protection.


This finished ‘Ecological Strategy in the Chugoku and Shikoku Regions’ serially posted in both Japanese and English every Tuesday.


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著者のKarl Kamamotoさんに人生相談を申込む