徒然なるままに (5) 製造業起業の困難性/ Writings with idle ramblings (5) Difficulties in Starting Manufacturing Business

前話: 徒然なるままに (4) 私の仕事の仕方 / Writings with idle ramblings (4) My Way of Working
次話: 徒然なるままに (6) 親離れ、子離れ/ Writings with idle ramblings (6) Independence from parents and children
著者: Karl Kamamoto














 The late Konosuke Matsushita's philosophy of supplying large quantities of cheap, good quality products sounds like a wonderful idea, and it may have been necessary in Japan's developing past. One of the reasons for the improvement of the Japanese people's standard of living may have been the implementation of this philosophy. However, this is not a good idea if we think about resources and the environment on a long-term, global basis. If the products are good and have high added value, it is possible to create a business model that sells them at a commensurately high price and keeps the employees happy.

 Enabling mass use and mass consumption of resources at low cost has the following adverse effects.
* Forgetting that goods and products are made from precious raw material resources.
* We do not value the effort and hard work of the people involved in the completion of the product.
* Losing sight of the value of money.
* The rate of impulse purchases increases, and the amount of waste increases.
* Cheap goods are now realized by developed countries taking advantage of national disparities in labor to exploit the profits and resources of others, which is against the spirit of fair trade and a sin.
 For these reasons, future entrepreneurship in the manufacturing industry requires an attitude of "supplying the necessary number of good products at a fair price. Following this idea, starting a manufacturing business will not be easy.
 Reference Opinion
 Don't compete on what you can get for your money (equipment, part-time labor, etc.)! What you can get for your money, someone will eventually come after you."
 It's getting to be a very difficult time for companies that have been saved by, or have made money from, the time difference with Southeast Asia."

Serially posted in Japanese and English on Tuesdays.

Please refer to the following site for the pictures and/or references.


著者のKarl Kamamotoさんに人生相談を申込む


徒然なるままに (6) 親離れ、子離れ/ Writings with idle ramblings (6) Independence from parents and children