第百八十四章 あの子たち、みんな死ねばいいのに(1)

著者: キョウダイ セブン



 私は戦後派だから、闇市のことは知らない。 “焼跡闇市派”の作家である野坂昭如さんの作品をたくさん読んで雰囲気だけは想像した。当時、配給制度をかたくなに守って餓死した裁判官がいたそうだ。

  Iwas born in 1956.  11 years after thewar.  I know nothing about it.  But some books gave me what happened justafter the war.  For example, a judge diedbecause he didn’t want to buy rice at illegal markets.

  Atthat time, Japanese people had little rice and the government a rationsystem.  But no enough food.  Unless they bought food at illegal market,they had to die at some cities.


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』


山口 良忠(やまぐち よしただ、1913年11月16日 - 1947年10月11日)とは、日本裁判官佐賀県出身。太平洋戦争の終戦後の食糧難の時代に、闇市闇米を拒否して食糧管理法に沿った配給食糧のみを食べ続け、栄養失調餓死した事で知られる。





  When I was a little kid, my mother said

“Puttea on stove.”

  So I pour tea on a stove.  She scolded me.  But I just did what she said.

  In a science test, the question was

“Writedown some organic matter.”

  One student answered

“organicmatter organic matter organic matter organic matter  organicmatter”








  I believed that Japan was acountry under the rule of law until I was a senior high school student.  However Not now.  After entering Nagoya University, I knew studentswere drinking alcohol even before 20.  InJapan all gambling are illegal except public one.  However Pachinko was gambling.  Prostitution is illegal.  However everybody knew they were doing it inSoap land.

  My friend took me to a strip theater and itwas obscenity and I said

“Wewill be under arrest!”

  My friend said

“No,it is impossible.”

著者のキョウダイ セブンさんに人生相談を申込む